The financial arm of Banque Delubac & Cie specialising in equity and bond management, multi-asset management and open architecture fund selection.

The financial markets are constantly evolving, as is our business. This is why Delubac Asset Management aims to be agile and responsive.

Every day we strive to adapt to your investor profile and your specific needs: entrepreneurs, senior executives, institutional investors, distributors, wealth clients, etc. And to optimise and increase your capital over time! How? Through a relevant and rigorous investment strategy that combines solid knowledge of wealth issues with strong convictions.

As part of a small-scale structure that encourages the sharing of expertise and responsiveness, we pool our teams of managers and executives to monitor all asset classes.


Delubac Asset Management has put together a management team comprising six managers.

Organised by management expertise, it draws on rigorous investment processes entailing fundamental analysis of the companies or UCIs selected in order to implement conviction-led strategies.

Benoît Vesco
Nicolas Gautier
Commercial director
Laura Bellet
Directrice de la recherche ISR
Aurélien Buffault
Directeur des gestions obligataires
Guillaume Chaloin
Directeur des gestions actions
Anne Hazebrouck
Responsable conformité et du contrôle interne
Thomas Raffy
Directeur de la gestion sous mandat
Patricia Pattein
Gérante de portefeuille
Charles-Henri de Juglart
Gérant de portefeuille
Arnaud Le Cornec
Gérant de portefeuille
Marwan Malti
Contrôleur des risques
Juliane Lejeune
Head of Marketing & Communication
Isabelle Renouard
Responsable Middle Office
Jean-Christophe De Castro
Responsable Middle Office adjoint


Our mission is vigorously carried out by experienced managers who are loyal to Delubac Asset Management. In addition to their expertise, the trust and autonomy granted to each manager are rewarded with commitment and performance.

Our reason for existing.

Performance & convictions

The core of our business is our ability to offer investors growth in their assets over the long term. Our managers use their know-how to implement conviction-led strategies.

A cautious approach

The assets entrusted to us are managed using proven management processes as part of a controlled framework and a policy of providing regular updates to investors on the valuation of their assets.

Transparency & Proximity

Our investors and partners trust us because of the firm long-term commitment of our teams and the transparent information on our management.

Key figures

Attracting the right talent to manage our clients’ assets.

employees including seven managers & analysts
inception date
open architecture UCIs
private clients
independent financial planners
institutional clients
areas of expertise



Creation of Delubac Asset Management


Launch of the Delubac Pricing Power fund


Awarded “Laurier d’or” for multi-asset management by Investir Magazine


Launch of Delubac PEA (European Union equity fund of funds)


Equities range rewarded by Le Revenu magazine (risk-adjusted performance over 3 years category)


Opening on new platforms (Nortia, CD Partenaires, etc.)


New management team (Franck Lepetit, Chairman / Sébastien Legoff, CEO)


Delubac Pricing Power awarded “Bronze Trophy” by Le Revenu magazine for the best European equity fund over 3 years.


5th Morningstar award (for a management process delivering an annualised performance of 15.1% over 5 years)

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Performance is valued at the end of the recommended investment period.


Entry into the Top 10 of the Alpha League Table (among the top ten out of 286 management companies whose equity management offers the most added value over 12 months)


Delubac Pricing Power awarded the Excellence Label by Mieux Vivre Votre Argent magazine


Signatory of the PRI on December 3


New website
