Our investment philosophy
We seek to grow savings over the long term as part of a disciplined and exacting conviction-led management approach that is independent of any benchmark.
“Our portfolio managers focus on a fundamental analysis of companies and asset diversification to meet the return and risk expectations of institutional investors, private clients and wealth advisors.”
Our solutions
A range of five funds with three areas of expertise :
- Multi-asset management: funds of funds invested in European Union equities, emerging country equities, and internationally diversified primarily via fixed income
- Direct management of EU equity security investments
- Direct management of investment-grade short and medium-term corporate and OECD government bond investments
Discretionary management :
- Professional management of your financial assets
- A turnkey management method in line with your investment horizon and risk limits
- Management mandate covering securities account investments, PEA and PEA/PME equity savings plans, and/or arbitrage of unit-linked life insurance policies
- Available for investments of €500,000 or more
Dedicated or white label funds :
- Bespoke management
- Personalised management and regular meetings with portfolio managers
- Available for investments based on assets under management of €10 million
Our three areas of expertise

« Our team of experts works on different asset classes to inform its macroeconomic outlook and broaden its analytical capacity. This complementarity enables Delubac AM to offer investors specialised management by asset class or asset allocation. »
Multi-Asset Management
Access to top international market specialists
Diversified multi-asset management based on an exclusive quantitative allocation model across all asset classes. The advantage of our multi-asset management approach: “spanning Indian equities and Chinese debt…”
Diversified multi-asset management based on "multi-asset classes" invested in a selection of international managers
European equities with pricing power
Pricing power the sole theme since 2005
Conviction-led management based on the ability of certain companies to set their prices through barriers to entry, differentiating know-how, a strong brand, technological progress or a strong capacity for innovation
Short- and medium-term bonds
Broad diversification betwenn public debt and investment grade private debt (OECD)
Opportunistic management in the credit markets. Managers have the flexibility to steer portfolio bond allocation according to their macroeconomic expectations and to select securities from fixed income segments that offer the best risk/return profile.